讲好中国故事: 万童时代与Nelvana和Toon Boom宣布启动中国原创儿童IP孵化器项目

原标题:Nelvana, WeKids and Toon Boom Announce Expanded Partnership in China
Nelvana, Toon Boom, and WeKids Launch Incubator Competition in Search of Original IP from China
TORONTO, CANADA – October 16, 2017

讲好中国故事: 万童时代与Nelvana和Toon Boom宣布启动中国原创儿童IP孵化器项目


深圳万童时代与加拿大公司Nelvana Studio和Toon Boom Animation宣布启动孵化器项目,征集并为全球市场孵化中国原创儿童IP


2017年10月16日,来自于中国深圳的 万童时代 与来自于加拿大 Corus 集团旗下的 Nelvana Entertainment 公司 以及 Toon Boom Animation 公司 于中国深圳和加拿大多伦多共同宣布,三公司将在现有的合作基础上扩大业务合作范围,在中国启动一个儿童动画孵化器项目,以丰富儿童动画品牌内容的制作和发展

本项目由万童时代、Nelvana Studio以及 Toon Boom 共同投资,希望可以在中国挖掘出有潜力获得全球性成功的中国儿童动画创意性新人才、好故事。

孵化器入选项目将与三家故事达成创作研发协议 – 参赛作品将以动画短片的形式提交,截止日期为2018年1月。具体细节将在稍后发布。

“我们期待能与万童时代和 Toon Boom 两家公司有更紧密的合作,”Nelvana 公司总裁 Scott Dyer 说:“对于 Nelvana来说,与中国公司的合作是我们优先考虑的问题,继续与万童时代的合作是我们扩大国际市场计划中关键的一步。我们希望可以通过这个项目为中国小观众和全球小观众带来更多的中国原创而且精彩内容。”

“我们很开心有机会跟 Nelvana和 Toon Boom 公司共同开展这个全新的项目,”万童时代总裁储曉冶说,“我们的合作一直以来都非常成功,这次能联手这两家国际知名公司一起,为中国原创故事以及中国本土人才的发展提供支持,为全球小观众带来更为丰富的动画内容,我们感到非常兴奋。”

“与 Nelvana Studio 和万童时代开展这次合作对我们来说是一次令人激动的尝试,”Toon Boom Animation 全球总裁 Francois Lalonde说道,“我们与许多的中国动画艺术家和动画制作公司都有多年的合作经验,中国有大量富有创造力的人才在等着我们去发现和挖掘;我们很乐意与志同道合的公司共同分享这个机会。”

关于 Nelvana Studio公司
Nelvana Studio 是一家世界领先的儿童动画内容制作及运营公司。它常年稳定制作输出全球知名动画品牌,内容覆盖喜剧、学龄前教育和男孩动作、探险系列片以及衍生品项目。

其节目通过其母公司 Corus的儿童娱乐频道和发行渠道在世界上160个国家播出。Nelvana 拥有超过4,000集的节目片库,并获得超过70项国际大奖,包括艾美奖、加拿大 Gemini 奖等。详情请点击官网:www.nelvana.com

Corus 是加拿大巨头传媒公司,拥有39家广播电台、45家电视频道,15家传统电视台。旗下运营的国际电视品牌包括迪士尼加拿大、尼克加拿大、CN 加拿大以及Corus 的自有儿童品牌Treehouse、YTV、和 Teletoon。


万童时代,中国领先的儿童动画 IP 制作和运营公司,为大中华地区的儿童和家庭提供世界一流的动画内容,拥有超过4,000集优质儿童动画片。万童时代与中国多家数字内容分发合作伙伴一起,为渴望欣赏到全球优秀动画片的千万儿童和家庭制作优质和运营优质内容,同时在多个新媒体平台上提供中英双语服务。另外,万童时代的业务还包括动画品牌的授权管理以及玩具和衍生品的开发和推广、以及全方位的品牌管理。详情请点击:www.wekids.com

关于 Toon Boom Animation公司

Toon Boom Animation 的获奖动画制作工具是动画和故事版制作的全球标准。Toon Boom Animation 公司的解决方案为动画制作的爱好者和专业人士提供各种动画艺术形式的创作自由,并可以有效地出版发行。Toon Boom Animation 的客户包括迪士尼、梦工厂、福克斯、中央电视台、Nelvana Studio 等等。详情请点击 www.toonboom.com



Nelvana Studio:
Media contact: ChizComm Ltd.| www.chizcomm.com on behalf of Nelvana
Jessica Pirraglia | 416.551.0822 x 330 | Jessica@chizcomm.com
Laura Berkenblit, Senior Publicist, Nelvana
416 966 7724; michelle.mcteague@corusent.com

电话: +86 186 0192 8300
Daniel Victor, EVP, Business Development and General Counsel
Tel: +1 917 434 9517



Nelvana, WeKids and Toon Boom Announce Expanded Partnership in China

Nelvana, Toon Boom, and WeKids Launch Incubator Competition in Search of Original IP from China


TORONTO, CANADA – October 16, 2017 – Corus Entertainment’s Nelvana, WeKids and Toon Boom Animation announced today the expansion of their existing partnership to launch a kids’ animation incubator competition in China for the development and production of multiple kids’ animation properties.

Jointly funded by Nelvana, WeKids, and Toon Boom, the program’s goal is to discover new talent and cutting-edge concepts out of China that have the creative potential to be developed into globally successful properties. The winning concepts will secure development deals with Nelvana, WeKids, and Toon Boom. Submissions in the form of animated shorts will be accepted as of January 2018. Further details will be announced at a later date.

“We are looking forward to working even more closely with the talented teams at WeKids and Toon Boom,” said Scott Dyer, President, Nelvana. “Expanding our presence in China is a priority for Nelvana, and this continued partnership is the right step as we grow our footprint in the international market. We are committed to bringing original and engaging content to our Chinese fans through this inspiring and creative competition.”

“We are very excited to start working on this brand-new project with Nelvana and Toon Boom,” said Sean Chu, Founder and CEO, WeKids. “Our partnership thus far has been incredibly successful, and we are thrilled to be supporting both the development of animation based on Chinese stories and local Chinese talent to produce content for an international audience with Nelvana and Toon Boom as our partners.”

“We recognize the need for quality content and innovative Toon Boom talent. We are proud to partner with Nelvana and Wekids to promote China and bring Chinese stories to the world,” said Francois Lalonde, Co-President, Toon Boom Animation.


About Nelvana

Nelvana is a world-leading international producer and distributor of children’s animated and live-action content. Nelvana produces a stable of award-winning and globally renowned brands that focus on comedies, preschool and boys action series and ancillary consumer products programs. Nelvana’s content airs on Corus Entertainment’s kids channels in Canada and in over 160 countries around the world. The Nelvana library has well over 4,000 episodes of programming and has received over 70 major international program awards including Emmys® and Geminis. Visit the Nelvana website at nelvana.com.

Follow Nelvana Enterprises on Twitter @NelvanaEnt


About WeKids

WeKids is China’s market leader in providing the best-in-class animation from around the world to kids and families in Greater China, including Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. With more than 4,000 episodes of outstanding kids’ animation, WeKids works with digital distribution partners to be the premiere on-demand destination for millions of Chinese kids who are eager to view great animated programs from across the globe, available on multiple new media platforms in both Chinese and English. In addition, WeKids oversees the merchandising, publishing, and ancillary exploitation of key properties throughout Greater China, including all aspects of brand management. For more information, visit: wekids.com.


About Toon Boom Animation
Toon Boom Animation’s award-winning software is the global standard for 2D animation and storyboarding. Toon Boom solutions provide everyone from enthusiasts to professionals with the artistic freedom to create in any style and efficiently publish anywhere. Customers include Bento Box Entertainment, Disney Television Animation, DreamWorks Animation, Fox Television Animation, Mercury Filmworks, Nelvana and The Spa Studios. For more information, visit: toonboom.com.


Press Contacts:


Media contact: ChizComm Ltd. | www.chizcomm.com on behalf of Nelvana.
Jessica Pirraglia | 416.551.0822 x 330 | jessica@chizcomm.com


Laura Berkenblit, Senior Publicist, Nelvana

416.860.4225; laura.berkenblit@corusent.com


Michelle McTeague, Publicity Manager, Nelvana

416.966.7724; michelle.mcteague@corusent.com


WeKids Time Ltd.:

Shenzhen, China:

Sean Chu, Founder & CEO

Tel.: +86 186 0192 8300

email : sean.chu@

New York

Daniel Victor, EVP, Business Development and General Counsel

tel. : +1 917 434-9517

email: dan.victor@ 
