Universal Kids和Milkshake!续订《好奇外星人》

原标题:Universal Kids, Milkshake! order more Floogals

NBCUniversal’s kidsnet and Channel 5’s preschool block have commissioned a third season of Nevision’s CGI/live-action series.

By Nicole Jeffries, June 18, 2018

Universal Kids和Milkshake!续订《好奇外星人》

英国第五频道的少儿节目Milkshake!和NBC环球集团旗下儿童电视台Universal Kids已确认续订动画系列片《好奇外星人》第三季。

《好奇外星人》是一部运用CGI技术和实景结合手法拍摄制作的动画系列片,面向2-12岁儿童,总共52集,每集11分钟,讲述了三个易拉罐大小的外星人弗雷克、弗洛和布莫来到地球执行任务,展开探索学习之旅的故事。 这部动画系列片最开始是由Banijay集团旗下The Foundation公司在英国制作完成,联合制片方包括Nevision、Zodiak Kids Studios、Universal Kids以及英国的特效工作室Jellyfish Pictures。

Universal Kids和Milkshake!续订《好奇外星人》


此前,这部动画系列片已经销往全球各地的电视台及播出机构,包括TVO和Knowledge Network(加拿大)、Canal Plus(法国)、Spectrum Film(印度尼西亚)、ABC(澳大利亚)、Cartoonito 和DeAJunior(意大利)、Discovery Kids(拉丁美洲)、Hop! Channel(以色列)、YLE(芬兰)、Canal Panda(葡萄牙)、MBC(中东)、Discovery(亚洲)、RT(香港)等。北美地区DVD发行权由发行公司NCircle Entertainment获得。在授权方面,佛罗里达州的Just Play公司是该动画系列片的北美玩具主授权合作伙伴。

《好奇外星人》在美国和英国的Universal Kids频道取得了收视前十的好成绩,并且在网络平台上也表现不凡,2017年在YouTube获得了四千八百万播放量。

Universal Kids和Milkshake!续订《好奇外星人》



UK-based Channel 5′s preschool block Milkshake! and NBCUniversal’s kidsnet Universal Kids have commissioned a third season of Floogals.

Aimed at kids ages two to 12, the 52 x 11-minute CGI/live-action series follows a pocket-sized group of aliens who head to Earth on a mission of discovery and learning. It was first produced in 2014 in the UK by The Foundation, part of the Banijay Group, and is co-produced by Nevision, Zodiak Kids Studios and Universal Kids with UK special effects studio Jellyfish Pictures.

Ahead of the new season, on June 25, Milkshake! will be airing a British-voiced version of season two.

The series has previously been sold to global broadcasters including TVO and Knowledge Network (Canada), Canal Plus (France), Spectrum Film (Indonesia), ABC Australia, Cartoonito and DeAJunior (Italy), Discovery Kids (Latin America), Hop! Channel (Israel), YLE (Finland), Canal Panda (Portugal), MBC (Middle East), Discovery (Asia), RT (Hong Kong) and others. Distribution company NCircle Entertainment previously picked up the North American DVD rights for the series. On the licensing side, Florida-based Just Play is the North American master toy partner for the series.

Floogals is one of the top-ten rated shows on Universal Kids in the US and the UK, and it continues to gain popularity online, having garnered more than 48 million YouTube views in 2017.
